Amy Carmichael
Read the life of Amy Carmichael on Wikipedia. Amy Carmichael was a Protestant Christian missionary who opened an orphanage and founded a mission in Dohnavur, India.
Gladys Aylward
Read the life of Gladys Aylward on Wikipedia. Gladys Aylward was a British evangelical Christian missionary to China. Her story was told in Alan Burgess' book, The Small Woman,
and made into a Hollywood film entitled The Inn of the Sixth Happiness.
Heroes for Young Readers
Mary Slessor: Courage in Africa
By Renee Taft Meloche
This book narrates the life of Mary Slessor. Mary Slessor longed to become a missionary. Then God answered her prayers and sent her to the dangerous tribes of Africa's Calabar
region. Mary's faith, courage, steadfastness, and pioneering spirit were a brilliant example of the life and freedom found in Jesus.
Heroes Series
Heroes Series is a bonus material found on YWAM's website. It contains fun games, information and other fun facts about different Christian heroes.
Lottie Moon
Read the life of Lottie Moon on Wikipedia. Lottie Moon was a Southern Baptist missionary to China with the Foreign Mission Board. She spent nearly forty years in China, living
and working as a teacher and evangelist in the communist country.
Mary Slessor
Read the life of Mary Slessor on Wikipedia. Mary Slessor was a Scottish missionary to Nigeria. Her work and strong personality allowed her to be trusted and accepted by the
locals while spreading Christianity and promoting women's rights.
Mary Slessor (Article)
Mission Nannys
Mission Nannys send mature Christian women to serve missionary families struggling on the field, by providing domestic help to them.
Thrive (Empowering Global Women)
Thrive is an advocate for global women. They engage and educate Christian communities to be equipped and empowered to pro-actively meet the needs of women worldwide. Their
mission is to provide expertise and set excellent standards of care for global women.
Woman's Missionary Union
One of the ministries of WMU is the Women on Mission. Women on Mission is ongoing missions involvement and learning that extends across the globe. Mission opportunities,
learning materials and many free resources have been created to help women develop a missions lifestyle. As a part of Women on Missions, ladies have the opportunity to
participate in missions and ministries that enable them to experience a variety of ways to serve Christ.
Women Missionaries
This blog site is devoted to women missionary memoirs. Their stories are less focused on poistion and status and statics and claims of success. Rather, they more often relate
to sins and struggles and family issues and interpersonal problems of missionary work past and present.
If you have any questions or need help finding a particular DVD, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact Brian at