Teachers and Educators Resources (Christian)

A Kid’s Heart


You can find free online and printable Christian games and resources for kids and their Sunday school teachers. Learn Bible verses with games and puzzles, coloring pages, printable worksheets, wallpaper, and other resources. Play interactive Bible puzzles, crossword, word searches, or hangman games.

Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)


This website is a good source of materials for teachers and administrators of different Christian schools. The site also offers benefits that can be accessed if you are an ACSI member.

Bible Teaching Ministry Resources


There are Bible teaching resources and teacher training for Christian teachers on this website. Visit the website and see how it can help improve your teaching ministry.

Christian Educators Association International (CEAI)


Christian Educators Association International (CEAI) is a professional organization of Christian teachers, educators and administrators, welcomes Christian teachers to visit CEAI for membership information, helpful educational resources and personal support. Resources include a bookstore, job center and education legislation information. Find the latest education-related news, teachers' rights, and even some humor!

Christian Preschool Printables


This is a Christian-run site for free Christian teaching resources. There are Bible coloring pages, Bible Verse cards, Christian lapbooks, Christian file folder Games, felt board sets, finger puppets, Sunday School lessons and homeschooling curriculum, Bible ABC's and tons of fun Bible activities and Games…

Faith Kids Sunday School Bible Bytes


This site offers lots of unusual instant paper crafts, full color photo instructions and often alternatives within each craft. Most lessons are with Bible references. There are also some lesson aids for teachers.

Free Lesson Plans


This website offers great ideas and easy-to-use curriculum resources complete with free handouts. There are lessons here for various ages, including teens and adults.

Hubbard’s Cupboard


Hubbard's Cupboard is a website for early childhood educators and parents. Ideas for 2 year olds through K are included. ABC centers, printable booklets, complete story lessons, Bible memory charts, and more!

Sunday School Printables


The site offers printable materials you can use for your Sunday school. There are even certificate templates that you can use for children’s programs like VBS, etc.

Transforming Teachers


Transforming Teachers mobilizes and equips teachers around the world who are called by Christ, committed to discipleship, and competent to integrate everything they teach with the truth of God’s Word—Great Commission teachers planting tomorrow’s churches today. Visit the website for their resources.

If you have any questions or need help finding a particular DVD, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact Brian at brianformissions@gmail.com