Alexander Scourby
This website has audio digital downloads of the Alexander Scourby’s narration of the King James Version of the Bible. It also has Bible apps.
You may also buy his products at these websites:
All Bibles specializes in Bibles in all types of media including print, audio, video, software and electronic devices.
Audio Bible
You can listen to the entire Bible (King James Version) on this website. You can also buy audio Bible narrations on audio CDs, MP3 disk or as software for your Windows PC.
You can listen or read the King James Version of the Bible on this website. They also allow free downloading of KJV Bible for your own website.
Audio Bibles
Audio Bible has a wide selection of Bible versions, voice talent & recording formats.
Audio Bibles at Mardel
You can buy audio Bibles at Mardel, an online store.
Audio Scripture Ministries
Audio Scripture Ministries facilitates the recording and distribution of Scripture recordings in hundreds of countries worldwide. They also provide support for technical projects, like recording equipment or audio listening devices, when needed. They provide playback equipment, training and strategy in the best medium like digital hand held unites, hand-crank, solar powered players designed exclusively for missions use.
AudioTreasure offers free MP3s of the Bible for download in a variety of languages. You can download the files and burn them on CDs or you can order them from AudioTreasure website.
Please type audio Bible or audio New Testament in the search engine.
You can also type a language and then type audio Bible or audio New Testament.
Bible Gateway
You can listen to audio Bibles at Bible Gateway website.
Christian Book Distributors
Please put the word audio in the search engine. You will get more results than you expect.
Get the Audibible at DAVAR. The Audibible is an audio Bible designed and developed by DAVAR. This is great for people who are illiterate or visually impaired.
Equip Disciples
Faith Comes By Hearing / Hosanna Ministries
Faith Comes By Hearing reaches the world with the Word of God in audio. They have audio scriptures in 692 + languages. They also have free audio Bibles that can be downloaded off their website in many language.
Faith Comes By Hearing MP3 Downloads
You can download your favorite version of the Bible on this page. It is free, just follow the steps found on the website.
Firefighters For Christ
Firefighters For Christ has Christian CDs that are available to request for free. Visit the website for the list of available Christian audio resources.
Global Recordings Network
GRN is a leading provider of Christian evangelistic and discipleship audio visual materials to the least reached language groups of the world. Their recordings can be downloaded free of charge from their website, and distributed via CDs, email, bluetooth and other media. GRN also has different audio players that it sells on the website.
God's Story Project Audio
Listen to the 80-minute audio stream of the Bible, God's Story, in the language of your choice. You can also visit their online store for their audio players and audio resources.
Jesus Film Audio
You can listen to the Jesus Film audio streaming version at Jesus Film website. This is an audio drama and is offered in more than 425 languages.
Please put the word audio in the search engine.
Listener's Bible, The
This website has an audio library you can access for free. There are audio Bibles, audio devotionals, and much more.
MegaVoice is a handheld device that plays Scripture recordings. This device has its own unique design for use in pre-technical, pre-literate societies.
Multi-Language Media
Multi-Language Media has an excellent resource catalog for books, pamphlets, audio (teaching and music), Bibles, audio Bible, Bible studies, language learning, and Christian music cds in different languages.
Renew World Outreach
Renew World Outreach develops energy efficient, reliable, and ultra-portable media presentation systems and development tools. Their equipment provides the ability to share the audio Bible and the Jesus Film in “off the grid” locations around the world. They sell a solar powered audio player. They sell audio Bibles from Faith Comes by Hearing.
Scripture Earth
Scripture Engagement
Scripture Engagement has articles about the use of audio devices in reaching out to people and telling them about God. Please put the word audio in the search engine.
Spoken Word of God, The
The Spoken Word of God is an international radio broadcasting ministry. They produce programs in the idiom and accent that is easy for listeners to understand and with the end objective of winning souls to Christ. You can purchase audio Bibles on their website.
Talking Bibles
Talking Bibles makes the Bible available in audio form to believers and persons who are pre-literate, semi-literate and are more inclined to get information by voice than by reading. The Talking Bible device is durable, reliable, affordable and effective for making the living Word of God accessible in audio form. These audio Bibles are great especially for visually impaired people. is a free Bible-listening website. Here, you can listen to the Bible in different versions and different languages.
Unshackled radio programs are dramas of people getting saved. You can also listen to their radio programs online. You may listen to English and Spanish programs online. The radio program is in a few more languages besides English and Spanish which can be hears on different radio stations around the world.
Unshackled Radio Program in 15 Languages
World Bibles